Monday 18 October 2010

Why Mission 21?!!

I walked just over 21 kilometres (13 miles) in 5 hours and 30 minutes. I feel fine, my legs are a bit achy, but the weather was nice, the walk was good – if not a little daunting – and now I’ve managed to get a good grasp of what I’m letting myself in for.

I used to be indecisive & one of those really annoying ‘gonna’ people, you know the ones, the ones that say ‘Oh, I’m so gonna do that!’ and never end up doing it. So I wrote a bucket list of things I wanted to complete before I turned 21. I thought a list of goals would help me gain some sort of focus – I was wrong. The goals were completely ridiculous, eg, eat a bowl of malteasers with milk for breakfast just because you can. I had a bit of a change of mind set, re-wrote the list and now here I am.

One of my list tasks was to run in a race. When I wrote that task I was thinking more of a 5k or 10k. The usual local ‘fun runs’ you see in the paper all the time. But no, I was challenged by my boyfriend to run a half-marathon, my own personal mission 21.

Even though I can be indecisive and I lack focus, I can never back down from a decent challenge. It’s within my nature to get competitive. My plan is to run the 13.1 miles (21 kilometres) in less than 2 hours. I plan to use myself as a human guinea pig. I want to see if the half-marathon training tips and the diet/nutrition tips work. I’m going to do something that would usually make me fall apart at the seams - I’m going to take ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos and post my body measurements to show the (hopefully positive) changes all of this exercise will have on my body.

The training programme I am using is one courtesy of exrx. If you have any other training programmes, products or tips you would like me to look at please email me at